Happy 26th!
Officially 26 means no more free museum access :( when I stupidly was interested in a couple of exhibitions!
Weirdly, while I was typing this post, I kept thinking I'm 27 :shock: , signs of age #seriously. So then, as you can see, I'm back to my beautiful Marais neighbourhood. The emptiness of a Parisian summer is actually quite cool, lesser tourists crowding around the corners, makes taking photos so much easier!
A month and a week is gone with a blink of my eye. It's time to wet my office seat with my sweat and racking up some brain cells. For the past 5 weeks, I've been walking around the south of France, Italia, and London. Practically walk off my feet (I sound like an old granny, but aye)— I guess it's time to get glued to my seat while resting my feet as much as possible. From what I've heard, looks like I've missed out much much much work, meaning a pile of work would be greeting me tomorrow morning... :( #canigetanotherholidaynow
In fact, I was working my brains off on my birthday (which is the 6th actually). I had a deadline for Monday, plus the previous nightout in a bar, I was tired to the core. Nevertheless, I managed to leave my house for a good dinner and movie night out #harleyquinnisthequeen (Absolutely love her! And hum— I'm weirdly attracted by her twisted love story with Joker). I think I've bought a lot of gifts for myself this birthday, my crazy splurging over the holidays was probably too much :P but I still went out and got my flowers for myself. Plus thank you to the coussie for the mini cake! I think I haven't blowed a birthday candle nor had a birthday cake in ageeeesssss. Maybe I should think about throwing a party for my 30th.
26th birthday flowers in the Marais, Paris