Pink Hair
And so the roadtrip started ~~~
I'm somewhere out in the central south of France enjoying the views of old ruins and colloseums.
Dear Alice, you actually got your wish came true ;) I gotta say that the free wifi from my hotel is so crappy here that I'm actually tapping my own hotspot. #countrysideproblems
Voila, the second time I met Isabelle, we went to the beach late afternoon. People were leaving when we decided to come. Both of us were drowned in our own fatigues and workload, but decided that we shouldn't miss this yearly ritual to come to the beach. Besides I bought not one buttwo newswimsuits, couldn't pass off the chance to put them on! I think I should say that horizontal stripes doesn't look that flattering on me, but I loved the back details so much that I couldn't leave the shop without buying it *note to self— Gym's calling in August*
Back onto the topic of pink hair
I didn't want to pay salon price to get my hair done so I was researching for some home-diy hair dyes from Schwarzkopf (because only this brand seems to work on my stubborn black hair). I found myself looking at a color chart for Igora Royal. The color shades were so interesting that I started googling for more information. After much digging, they are salon-professional hair dyes. I realized that those shades I was looking for were just color tubes and I had to buy an additional "developer" in order to use them. I amazon-ed them, which cost me around 45€ (#thereshouldbefreeshippingworldwideeverywhere) And bravely tested them out on one evening. It even colored my carpet pink #hairdresserfail
I wasn't sure if simply 1 tube of color would be enough, so I bought the shades 0-89 and 9-98. The product description said that 0-89 is a color booster, I thought I could maybe just mix the booster to make the shade brighter (which did!) Plus 1L bottle of developer. After some studies, I chose the 9% 30 Volume which is said to lighten hair 2 to 3 shades lighter and the ratio of mixing is 1:1. Then I halfed each color tubes and 60ml of developer to color my hair! The mixture itself turns out a bubblegum pink. I let my hair dye for some 45 minutes— washed them out and tadaa!
Turns out just one tube of color fits my hair now, since I snipped it off too much :( #dearhairpleasegrowfast So I can re-dye it whenever I want! #missionsuccessful I'm so in love with it! Looks like I won't be going to a salon anymore! Some parts of my hair were already bleached, so the pink was even brighter. Plus it's been a week of washing now, my shampoo fluffs still turns pink whenever I wash my hair!
Voila my pink hair story! Now then I should quickly get to bed for my beauty sleep. Tomorrow I'd be out to Lavender fields hoping that not all of them have already been harvested!